Jubilee Works

A Model Railway in 1/43 (O) Scale

Jubilee works  is a model railway portraying a fictional industrial setting.
The works has is own extensive internal narrow gauge system and standard gauge feeder.
In the area covered by the model there is, unusally for the UK, an area of dual gauge trackwork.
I was inspired by such practices in Euope and spurred on when several opinions were that it could not be done in model form.

This website is intended to document the building of Jubilee Works. Both progress and picture taking have been a bit erratic, Pictures are dated for when taken which may, or may not, be when the work was done.
O14 Trackwork is not readily available and dual gauge O / O14 even less so!
So all trackwork is handbuilt using soldred construction on copper clad sleepers. Code 100 rail has been used on the Dual gauge to represent a light 60LBS rail. The narrow gauge uses code 83 at the back and code 75 at the front. Why 2 different codes for the narrow gauge ? Well I had some code 83 left from a previous project and it matched the wagon turntable. The code 75 was the new purchase.

Points are operated by servo's using MERG servo control boards. The blades are lose heal, and given the tight radius this is prototypical. Each point blade has 0.9mm brass wire at the heal forming the pivot. 1mm brass tube is inset into the baseboards to act as the bearing.
A 0.7 mm dropper at the toe of each blade passes through the baseboard into a terminal block which is in turn connected to the servo.

Jubillee works uses MRG  https://www.merg.org.uk/ cbus for control of points and accessories and the MERG DCC command station / booster. CBUS allows control modules throughout the layout to communicate over 2 wires minimising connections between base boards. On Jubilee works the DCC is plit into 2 zones so across each baseboard join there are 10 wires.  

DCC zone 1 - Dual gauge
12V DC 1 - Control boards
DCC zone 2 - Narrow gauge
12V DC 2 - Servo's and lighting

However between the control pannel and the layout just 4 wires 12vDC 1 and CBUS. The DCC command station (MERG kit 91a) feeds a boooster (Merg kit 59) configured for 5 Amp output. Each zone is fed via a district cut out module (Merg kit 57) and there are 2 throttles (Merg kit 92) 

 With the CBUS if had known when I started what I now understand of its capabilities I would have done things a little differently. Each of the 3 baseboards have a canmio - svo for the servo's, 2 for 1 of the boards, (MERG kit 98) and a canviout (MERG kit 11) providing inputs from the TOTI's and outputs for lighting / smoke units etc.

Train on track indication (TOTI) uses 3 methods.

In the engine sheds the MERG PMK7 is used outputting to the canvout. In the transfer shed where there is no motor present Infra red , dual hector units ( MERG kit 72A) are used for presence. I also need an indication of when the stock is pressed against the buffer and micro switches are used for this.

The control Panel uses the canpan (MERG kit 97) in fact 2 of them as it exceeds the 32 LED capacity of a single unit. All switching is momentary leaving the option of multiple panel's either physical or soft.

The engine sheds were building frames from Kitwood Hills  models, Finished with materials from their bulding depot. They are clad in vertical boarding cut up and used as shiplap for a more British look. Windows and roofing are from the same range. The frames and walls are stained wirh wood dye. Doors on the 2 road (steam) shed are also from the building depot  but the ones on the single track (internal combustion) shed scratch built, including the working hinges. The smoke hoods were redeployed from the Kitwood Hills O gauge engine shed. This I built as my goods transfer shed. The building itself is little changed apart from the smaller doors on the narrow gauge side but has platforms and a raised trackbed for the narrow gauge fitted inside.

There are a number of smaller buildings, 2 offices and the body of a passenger brake from the 422 models range.
The grounded van & coach bodies are rejected 3d prints from a manin models 'scrap' box.

Jubilee works is due to be at the following exhibitions:

Tad-Rail 2025
25/10/25Narrow Gauge Nowhttps://www.narrowgaugenow.uk/

Past Exhibitions

03/03/24Chesham MRChttps://www.chesham-mrc.co.uk/
20/04/24De Haviland MRShttp://dhmrs.co.uk/
11/05/23South West Herts MRShttps://www.southwesthertsmrs.org.uk
08/06/247mm Narrow gauge Associationhttps://www.7mmnga.org.uk/
  • United Kingdom

Jubilee Works is available for exhibitions in the South East of England.